How To Become Palmpay Aggregator And Palmpay Agent

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PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent

The PalmPay financial industry which keeps growing every day has given room for numerous opportunities. One such opportunity is becoming a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent thanks to technology. Without you knowing the owner of this great company you can easily partner with them without stress from any corner of the world.

The PalmPay enterprise products allow you to leverage the reliable network and consumer-focused solutions they have built to grow their own business. 

They also offer tools to help you make and receive payments and manage business processes. Doing this has helped individuals over the years grow their businesses and customer base.

Are you one of those who wish to become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent? If yes, search no more because you are on the right page.

In this blog post, I will walk you through all the processes you need to follow to become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent. Also, the requirements including the benefits of becoming this great industry aggregator and agent will be unveiled.

Hence, keep reading!

About PalmPay

PalmPay is one of the leading fintech industries that most Nigerians now use in transacting their funds.

With the PalmPay mobile, you can make any form of payment in Nigeria and Ghana. Also as a user, you can use the platform for;

  • Money transfers
  • Bill payments
  • Airtime purchases
  • Borrowing of money, and so on.

Aside from all these benefits being an existing or intending PalmPay customer, you can become a PalmPay aggregator and a PalmPay agent and keep earning.

Who is a PalmPay Aggregator

A Palmpay aggregator is a person who partners with PalmPay to offer its payment services to a wider customer base. They serve as a middleman between the company and the agents to access Palmpay’s payment infrastructure.

As an aggregator, you will play a crucial role in expanding the reach of Palmpay’s services. This is because you will connect the platform to a diverse network of merchants and agents operating in various sectors.

Who Is A Palmpay Agent

A Palmpay agent is an individual or entity that works as a representative of the PalmPay digital payment platform. As a PalmPay agent, your work is to provide financial services and facilitate transactions on behalf of PalmPay users.

Furthermore, a PalmPay agent serves as a middleman between Palmpay and its customers. That is you help PalmPay customers with various financial transactions and offer support for Palmpay’s services.

Benefits of Becoming a PalmPay Aggregator and a PalmPay Agent.

You should know that numerous benefits are awaiting you if you become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent. Some of these benefits are listed below.

  • Make more money with the PalmPay POS: One of the benefits of becoming a Palmpay agent is the ability to earn high commissions. Besides, you will be able to offer your customers reliable payments as a PalmPay Mobile Money agent.
  • 24/7 Support: Another exciting benefit of being a PalmPay aggregator and a PalmPay agent is that you will have access to a dedicated sales manager. Likewise, the PalmPay 24/7 customer care line will be available to support you in case of any hitch.
  • The Right Device For You: You know that PalmPay is committed to your success. Hence, they will help you with the right device. Whether you are just getting started or you have complex business requirements, PalmPay has the solution for you! That is, financing options are available.
  • Value Added Services: At a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent you will get tools to help you manage your business and grow your customer base and revenues.
  • Sharp-Sharp Settlements: With the PalmPay payment platform you have the freedom to access your money the moment you make it through instant settlement.
  • Great Support To Help You: Another awesome benefit you will enjoy as an agent is the allocation of a dedicated sales manager. Aside from that, there are several support channels for you to reach PalmPay anytime you have a question or need assistance.
  • Accountability: As a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent you do not need to worry about following up about issues with transactions. This is because the platform will automatically work to resolve them on your behalf.

Ultimately, you will have access to an easy-to-use online portal. The portal will help you monitor your activities and manage your account without stress.

Requirements to Become A PalmPay Aggregator

To become a Palmpay Aggregator and PalmPay Agent you must meet the requirements below.

  • Valid Identification Document: Before you can become a PalmPay aggregator or PalmPay agent you must have a valid Identification card. You can use either the National ID Card, Driver’s License, or International Passport.
  • Stable Internet Service: Another important requirement that must be met before you can become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent is the Internet. You know the platform is a digital platform hence a stable internet is very important to enable you to provide payment services.
  • Excellent Communication Skill: As a Palmpay Aggregator and Agent you are the representative of the company. Therefore, you should possess good communication skills because you will be required to provide customer support to your customers. This will enable you to solve customer problems.
  • Deposit: To become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent you will be required to make a deposit. However, the amount of the deposit varies depending on the agreement with your Palmpay Aggregator.

After you are sure the requirements have been met. Then, you can now become a Palmpay Aggregator and PalmPay Agent 

How To Become Palmpay Aggregator

To become a PalmPay aggregator follow the steps below.

  • Register with PalmPay: The first thing that must be done if you intend to become a PalmPay aggregator is to register with Palmpay as a user on their platform. To do this, just visit their official website or download their mobile app from the Play Store or any reputable app downloading store.
  • Apply for an Aggregator account: After you have registered and verified your account the next thing is to apply for an Aggregator account. You can do this by contacting PalmPay customer support through the app or by sending an email. Express your interest in becoming an aggregator. You will be provided with an application form.
  • Complete the Application Form: Make sure you provide the correct answers to all the questions in the application form and fill it out.
  • Submit your Application form alongside other Documents: Submit the correctly filled form and other documents as requested by PalmPay. These documents are necessary to verify your eligibility and suitability as an aggregator. Some of the documents that may be required are your business registration documents, proof of address, identification documents, bank statements, and others.
  • Verification and Approval: After you have submitted your information. PalmPay will verify your information by doing some underground investigation. If all your acclaimed information is correct. Then your request will be approved.
  • Training and Onboarding: If your application is approved, then you will be onboard to the groups of PalmPay aggregators. Also, training and onboarding sessions will be provided to familiarize you with their aggregator platform. In the training, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate as a PalmPay aggregator without hassle.
  • Sign an agreement: You will be required to sign an agreement with PalmPay. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of being an aggregator. This will be done immediately when your application has been approved.
  • Integration: After all conditions have been met. The next thing is to integrate PalmPay’s payment gateway into your business platform and start accepting payments on their behalf.
  • Launch and Promotion: After the integration process. Set up your aggregator office or location, display PalmPay branding and marketing materials, and start offering Palmpay’s services as an aggregator. Ultimately, it is important to actively promote the benefits of Palmpay to attract customers. And also provide your customers with excellent customer service and support. 

How To Become Palmpay Agent

It is so easy to become a PalmPay agent all you need to do is to follow the instructions below. As of present PalmPay is currently onboarding agents in all states of Nigeria. Hence, you can use this opportunity to become one. To achieve this

  • Register: The first thing to do is to self-register on the PalmPay Business app or click on the Apply Now button to fill out a request form.
  • Download the PalmPay Business: Alternatively, you can download the PalmPay app from the Google Play Store. The app is available both on Android and iOS depending on your device.
  • Sign up: The next step is to sign up and make sure you provide all the required information then submit it for approval.
  • Verification and Approval: After you have submitted your application form, then wait for the application to be reviewed by the PalmPay team. Immediately after your application is approved, you will receive a notification from PalmPay.
  • Attend Training and Onboarding Session: After your application has been approved. The next thing is to start attending training and onboarding sessions. The training program is very important as it will educate you with the skills and knowledge necessary to utilize the PalmPay app. Moreover, you will learn how to deliver payment services to your customers. Also, you will be shown how to install and set up the PalmpPay app on your smartphone.

Furthermore, the training will enlighten you on how to troubleshoot common issues that may arise while using the PalmPay app. And also how to provide customer support to your customers. Ultimately, you will learn how to protect your PalmPay terminal from theft and damage.

  • Get Your PalmPay Terminal: The last stage after payment is to collect a PalmPay terminal. This terminal will be used to deliver payment services to your customers. The PalmPay terminal also known as a mobile point of sale device (POS) allows you to take payments from consumers via the PalmPay app.
  • Launch and Promote: Immediately you have been given your point-of-sale machine. It is important to set up your location where your business will be carried out. To promote your business display Palmpay branding and marketing materials so that people will know you are a PalmPay POS agent. Help people transact their funds on behalf of PalmPay and earn high commissions. Finally, provide your customers with excellent customer service and solve their worries.


As a worries aggregator, you have the opportunity to always provide additional services to your merchants or agents, such as training, technical support, and financial reconciliation. Also, you will have access to many financial services.

Furthermore, as a PalmPay agent, you will become a game changer in your environment because you will be able to help individuals solve their financial problems.

To become a PalmPay aggregator and PalmPay agent you will have to download the PalmPay app on Play Store and follow the prompt.

Regardless, it is worth noting that the requirements and process for becoming a Palmpay aggregator and PalmPay agent may vary depending on your location and the specific services you want to offer.

Therefore, it is best to contact Palmpay directly on Email:

Phone: 018886888 for more information on how to become an aggregator and an agent.

Frequently Asked Questions on How To Become a PalmPay Aggregator and PalmPay Agent

Below are answers to some of the questions we believe you might have in mind.

What area does PalmPay support?

As of present PalmPay covers many states in Nigeria. The specific coverage areas are shown in the table below. 

Region Area name
North Borno State, Kebbi State, Sokoto State, Katsina State, Kogi State, Jigawa State, Nasarawa State, Kano State, Niger State, FCT, Plateau State, Kaduna State, Zamfara State, and Adamawa State
SouthWest Edo State, Oyo State, Ogun State, Kwara State, Osun State, Delta State, Ekiti State and Lagos State
East Enugu State, Abia State, Cross River State, Bayelsa State, Rivers State, Delta State, Benue State, Anambra State, Akwa Ibom State, and Bauchi State.

How do I become a PalmPay agent?

To become a Palmpay agent Submit your information in the form at the bottom of our website (click to go). Better still you can call our hotline at 018885000. You will be contacted by a dedicated customer service representative.

What are the requirements to become a PalmPay agent?

The requirements are a bank verification number (BVN) and other necessary documents.

What is the fee policy if I want to get a PalmPay POS?

Various cooperation modes have different fee agreements, about 0.4%-0.5% per transaction. Also, the transaction fees have different capping fees.

Can I return my PalmPay POS?

Yes, you can. You can either return it to the PalmPay office or your sales manager. 

After the acceptance of no damage, your deposit will be returned to your account within 15 days.


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