Transfer Code For Sterling Bank, USSD Codes For Sterling Bank Transfers, Purchase Airtime and Data, Borrow Loans, BVN, Account Balance

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Transfer code for Sterling bank

Sterling Bank Plc is your one-customer bank” a full-service national commercial bank in Nigeria. One of the aims of the Sterling Bank is to see that you as a customer are comfortable. And that is why the transfer code for Sterling Bank was invented by the bank. At least we all know the stress that comes with visiting the banking hall (the long queue, time waiting, and no sitting chairs among others). In order to reduce all the stress you go through in the banking hall it is important to know the transfer code for Sterling Bank. Thus, if you bank with Sterling continue reading this article because I will unveil everything you need to know about the transfer code for Sterling Bank and the Sterling Bank USSD code. Without taking much of your time let’s dive into the main content.

About Sterling Bank

Sterling Bank was founded in 1960 and has been in operation for the past 63 years. The Bank (formerly NAL Bank) wholly merged with four different banks.

Indo-Nigeria Merchant Bank, Magnum Trust Bank, NBM Bank, and Trust Bank of Africa. This merger was due to the 2006 consolidation of the Nigerian banking industry. Ever since the merging took place Sterling Bank has been known for its 

excellence commitments in all engagements.

The mission of the bank is to help its customers achieve financial success without stress. Also, one of the outstanding features of Sterling Bank is that it provides services to individuals, small businesses (SMEs), and large corporations.

Ultimately, Sterling Bank is not left behind in the struggle to ease the banking experience for its customers. Thus, they fashioned out the transfer code for Sterling Bank also known as the USSD code for Sterling Bank.

Transfer Code/ USSD Code for Sterling Bank

The Sterling Bank USSD code popularly called the transfer code for Sterling Bank is *822#. The USSD code stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. As a Sterling Bank customer, it allows you

access to basic financial services by simply dialing *822#. With this code, you will have access to banking services such as airtime recharge, fund transfers, bill payments, and many others just with your mobile device. The good thing is that without data or an internet connection, you can have access to the service.
Another interesting thing about this code is that it is fast, easy, and very convenient to use in the comfort of your home. Likewise, the USSD service of Sterling Bank is secure and reliable. It also provides a seamless banking experience for you as a customer. However, you have to register for the service before you can use it. Ultimately, you do not have to visit the banking hall before you can register because registration is completely self-service. To achieve that just dial *822# now to experience the Magic.

How to Register or Activate the Transfer Code for Sterling Bank

Before you can activate the Sterling Bank USSD code on your phone you must;

  • Have an active account with Sterling Bank.
  • Have an active phone number from any network linked to your account Phone. Note that it does not necessarily have to be a smartphone.
  • Have linked your debit card to your account.

If all those requirements are met you can now easily activate the transfer code for Sterling Bank using their magic code *822#. by following the steps below.

Step 1: Dial the *822# on your registered phone number.

Step 2: Then reply with 1 for registration and then enter your 10-digit account number. Step 3: After that provide the details on your debit card as requested.

Step 4: Finally, create a 4-digit PIN you will use to authorize financial transactions and then Re-enter your PIN to confirm its accuracy. That is all, you have been able to activate the *822# service on your phone. Thus, you can now access numerous bank services with just your phone. Note that corporate account holders are not eligible for this service.

How to Transfer Funds with the Transfer Code for Sterling Bank *822#?

With the transfer code for Sterling Bank, you can easily transfer funds using *822# anywhere, anytime, and to any bank in Nigeria. Thus, to transfer money from your Sterling Bank account simply dial  *822*Amount*AccountNumber# 

Example: If you intend to send ₦10,000 just dial *822*10000*0012345678#. Then follow the prompts to verify details and complete the transaction with your transaction PIN.


The transfer code for Sterling Bank offers you an easy and convenient way of accessing multiple banking services. Immediately you have registered, you can now enjoy numerous services without going to the physical branch. Interestingly, you can access the services with a phone with or without the Internet. Why don’t you activate the *822# USSD service now and experience the banking system you desire?

Frequently Asked Questions about Transfer Code of Sterling Bank, USSD Codes For Sterling Bank

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about the transfer code for Sterling Bank you might have in mind.

What are the Benefits of using the Sterling Bank USSD Code

There are numerous benefits of using the Sterling Bank USSD code. Some of these are;

  • It will automatically link all your accounts if you have multiple accounts.
  • You can register in the comfort of your room. That is, you do not need to visit the banking hall before you can register.
  • You can use it to pay regular bills and utilities seamlessly.
  • You do not require mobile data or the internet to access the service. That is, it works with any kind of mobile device.
  • It is easy, simple, fast, and convenient.

How do I Transfer funds with *822#?

You can easily transfer funds using *822# anywhere, anytime, and to any bank in Nigeria. Thus, to transfer money from your Sterling Bank account simply dial  *822*Amount*AccountNumber# 

Example: If you intend to send ₦10,000 just dial *822*10000*0012345678#. Then follow the prompts to verify details and complete the transaction with your transaction PIN.

Can I check my Account Balance with *822#?

Yes, you do not need to memorize your account number or your last account balance. With the Sterling Bank USSD code 822, you can easily check your account balance and account number. To check your account number just dial *822*8#. Also, to check your account balance dial *822*6# on your registered phone number.

How do I Recharge with *822#?

With the Sterling Bank USSD code *822# you can easily recharge your phone line at any time and from anywhere. If you intend to recharge yourself just dial *822*AMOUNT# 

Example: If you want to recharge 500 on your registered phone number with the USSD code just dial *822*500# on your phone. However, if you want to recharge for a friend/family that is you want to send airtime to a third party, simply dial  *822*AMOUNT*PhoneNumber# 

Example: To send 1000 to a family or friend dial *822*1000*08123456789# from your registered mobile phone.

What is the Maximum amount I can Transfer using the USSD code?

With the Sterling Bank USSD code you can transfer up to 20,000 per transaction with PIN 1, and up to 100,000 per transaction with PIN 2. However, the daily limit is 100,000 for savings and current accounts. 


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