Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin – How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin

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Welcome, Today we’ll be discussing On Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin – How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin.

MTN Momo is one of the most popular mobile money services in Nigeria with millions of users. It’s common to forget your login details like password or transaction PIN for the MTN Momo app and website. Not to worry – you can easily reset, change or recover your forgotten Momo password and PIN using self-service options or by contacting customer care.

When Did Mobile Money Become Popular in Nigeria?

Mobile money started gaining popularity in Nigeria from early 2010s as mobile phone adoption increased exponentially. MTN launched Momo in 2012 as one of the first mobile money services in the country.

It quickly became a hit with Nigerians as it allowed easy money transfer, airtime purchase, bill payments etc. directly from one’s phone. The convenience of banking via mobile app led to rapid adoption of MTN Momo across Nigeria.

Today, MTN Momo has over 10 million active users in Nigeria. It processes over 1 billion transactions annually, 50% of which now happen via mobile app. Its website also has several hundred thousand registered users.

How to reset your MTN Momo password

Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin - How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin

During my research, I found out that users can not login or register on MTN Momo with a password. Password is meant for only MTN Momo Developers to login.

So as a user, you would need to focus mainly on resetting or changing your MTN Momo pin.

How to reset or change your Mtn Momo PIN using Ussd code

If you prefer using USSD codes to manage your MoMo account, follow these steps:

  • Add a Recovery Number: Dial *170# on your mobile phone to access the USSD menu. Select option 6 for “My Wallet,” followed by option 6 for “Change & Reset PIN.” Then, choose option 2 to “Reset Pin.”
  • Opt for Self PIN Reset: Next, select option 1 for “Self PIN Reset,” which will lead you to the recovery number setup process.
  • Add Recovery Contact: Select option 1 to “Add Recovery Contact” and enter your MoMo PIN to confirm the action. You’ll then receive an OTP via SMS for confirmation.
  • Reset Your MoMo PIN: After successfully adding the recovery number, you can now reset your MoMo PIN. Dial *170#, choose option 6 for “My Wallet,” then option 6 for “Change & Reset PIN,” and finally, select option 2 to “Reset Pin.”
  • Self PIN Reset: Once again, opt for option 1 for “Self PIN Reset” and then select option 4 for “PIN Reset.”

Reset MTN Momo Website Transaction PIN

To reset your forgotten website transaction PIN:

  1. Login to website using your password
  2. Go to Settings and click ‘Reset PIN’
  3. Enter new 4-digit PIN twice and click ‘Reset’

This allows you to easily reset your forgotten website transaction PIN without needing old PIN.

Tips to Avoid Forgotten Momo Credentials

Use a password manager app like LastPass to store passwords instead of memorizing.

  • Ensure your registered phone number and email are updated in MTN records.
  • Setup password reminder hints to help remember forgotten password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for additional security.
  • Change Momo app and website passwords periodically instead of using same password indefinitely.

By following these tips, you can avoid the common problem of forgotten passwords or PINs for MTN Momo app and website.

FAQs on Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin – How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin

Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin - How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin

I don’t have registered email ID. How do I reset website password?

You need to contact MTN Momo customer care or visit nearest service center with valid ID to reset website password if email ID is not registered.

What if I enter wrong password multiple times?

After 3 incorrect password attempts, your Momo app or website will be temporarily locked for security. Contact customer care to unlock it before resetting password.

How long does it take to reset forgotten Momo password/PIN?

Using self service options, reset is instant. If done via customer care, it takes up to 24 hours after verification.

I forgot my username for website. How do I find it?

You can call MTN Momo customer care or visit service center with ID proof. The agent will help retrieve your forgotten website username.

Can I use same password for Momo app and website?

No, using different passwords is recommended for better security of your Momo app and website.

I remember my old app password but forgot PIN. What should I do?

You just need to login to the app with existing password and reset your transaction PIN from Profile > Settings. No need to change password.

Is there any limit on how many times I can reset Momo password/PIN?

No, there is no limit on how many times you can reset your forgotten MTN Momo app or website password/PIN.

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Dealing with forgotten passwords or PINs can be a headache when you need urgent access to your MTN Momo account. Thankfully, MTN provides easy self-service options as well as personnel assistance to reset and recover your lost Momo app or website credentials.

Using the password reset links, you can regain access within minutes by entering OTP or answering security questions. Even if you need to call customer care or visit service center, the process is quick after verification.

The key things to remember are – always keep your registered phone and email updated with MTN, use strong and unique passwords, and enable two-factor authentication. Regularly changing passwords and using a password manager also helps.

By following these best practices, you can avoid forgotten credential issues in future. MTN Momo provides an indispensable mobile money platform for millions of Nigerians. Just a few minutes is all it takes to get your forgotten login details working again and resume disruption-free usage of the app and website.

After reading this blog you know about Forgot my MTN Momo Password and Pin – How to Reset, Change and Recover MTN Momo Password and Pin.

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