List of High-Income Skills to Learn and Be Financially Free

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These days, there are several high-income skills to learn online and set your path to success, but the decision depends on you if you can set 1hr of your daily life and master any of the skills I mentioned in this article, you will thank yourself later.

So, let’s proceed. In today’s article, I will list some high-income skills you can learn online even if you’re at work or school, or anywhere, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing.

Your current job title doesn’t guarantee success as you can get relieved from it at any time. But a skill? It stays with you forever and followed you everywhere you go like clockwork. But before I mention them let me first explain what is a skill and what is a high income skill.

What is a skill?

A skill serves as expertise, knowledge, or ability in a specific industry that can be used to perform a given task proficiently. When you have a skill, you are ever ready to perform a given task at any time because you’ve got the knowledge and ability.

Skill is important at this present age of digital economy where the education system in most parts of the world is not that effective. Having a skill will go a long way in shaping and reshaping every aspect of your financial life and making you independent.

What is a high-income skill?

A high-income skill is expertise, knowledge, or ability that makes you a valuable person in the marketplace. In addition, when you’ve got a high-income skill, you’re being valued more than most people who have an ordinary skill and you’re paid 10x more.

A high-income skilled individual specialized in a given industry and works towards providing value to people. But, they never stop learning because that’s their core value composition.

So, having looked at both definitions, can you spot any difference that caught your attention? If you ask me, the high-income skilled individual far outweighs the ordinary skilled person at any given time, they are highly valued.

List of High-Income Skills

There are many high-income skills you can start learning from today. I will mention a few of them then you can follow up with your research to find what resonates with you best. But before then there are some things to keep in mind when choosing a high-income skill.

Tips for Choosing a high-income skill

  1. Stick to your current industry and don’t go overboard because you want the skill that pays the most money.
  2. Don’t use greed to pursue a skill because you see other people doing it.
  3. Follow your passion and what you crave. This will help you add value to people’s lives. Still, don’t chase money.
  4. Providing value will improve your life exponentially. This will keep you learning and growing.
  5. Pick one platform and scale till you move to another platform. This is what I called brand building.
  6. Follow other creators and learn from them, the way they create, analyze and do certain logic.
  7. Network with people in your industry to know how they are doing in improving their lives and ideas.
  8. And finally, build a personal brand as it is the easiest way to become financially independent in this present internet age.

More tips will follow as you learn and grow. Don’t overlook the importance of those tips as some tend to work perfectly well.

List of High-Income Skills to Learn and Be Financially Free

1: Money management

If you can’t manage your money then you can’t manage wealth when it comes. Set aside 1hr of your busy daily schedule to learn this skill as it is very important.

When you learn this skill, you’ll be able to:

  • Execute a financial plan
  • Create a budget
  • Automate your savings
  • Manage expenses
  • Create an emergency fund
  • Know between wants and needs
  • Save for a down payment
  • Invest and diversify

You’ll be able to solve the entire aspect of money while learning this pertinent and valuable skill.

Because money is a tool, learning how to manage it will set you above your peers.

I know you’ll reason why I’ve put money management as my number one high-income skill, I know my reason. Those who can manage their money well are already 99% above other people.


2: Sales

The ability to persuade the crowd to buy whatever you have to offer is a valuable skill in this internet age. I know this might sound crazy, but it’s the truth. What differentiates a successful business from the rest is its sales tactics.

Selling is a controversial ideology for some while for others, it is a superpower. Know how to:

  • Steal your competitor’s customers without reducing the price.
  • Understand human nature.
  • Know what is needed at the right time and at the same time without giving a negative response.
  • Customers don’t want to know how much is the price, they just want to buy.
  • Learn customer services and relationships.

Sales is a very important aspect of our lives and you must learn it at all costs if you want to be financially independent.

3: Copywriting

These days, those who are making money are people who can hook someone to a particular book until the very end. What is copywriting? It is the ability to persuade people to take action, perform a particular task, and get them to buy whatever you’re offering.

Copywriting and sales are not the same but they fall into the same psychological pattern of human thinking. Those with this skill are making money and if you can spare 1hr of your daily life to focus on this skill, then you are on the right track to financial independence.

4: Coding or Web Development

This skill alone is better than 80% of college degrees, and I can beat my chest to retract that statement. First, any business that doesn’t have a website or a page is missing out on 66% of potential customers and this is where programmers make their money and come in handy.

When you learn this skill, you’ll be able to:

  • Design websites for businesses and get paid handsomely.
  • Do freelance jobs.
  • Work from anywhere in the world.
  • Make apps and create web pages.
  • You can teach the skill in the form of newsletters, ebooks, and course creation.
  • Your earning potential is unlimited just to mention a few.

I may be missing out on some key points but, the fact will remain that Coding is a high-income skill that will take you far places than what a normal college degree wouldn’t.

5: Build an online brand

How is this attainable, achievable, and scalable? You can achieve this by teaching people how you overcome a particular situation or experience, teaching them your expertise, show them your creativity, it can be anything as long as you’re very good at what you do.

To me, it is the simplest way to live the life you want but you will need to put in the work, dedication, consistency, plus discipline to reach a certain height.

7: Investing and Trading

You don’t need to complicate it, to make money is relatively simple if you follow the advice of the gurus and people who’ve been there. Get a mentor, or buy a course and practice for weeks or months.

By the time you’re done, money should be the one to work for you while you focus on other areas of your life. Investing and trading are goldmines in this present age of digital transformation.

When you learn this skill, you should be able to:

  • Know how to invest in the stock market
  • Know different investment vehicles
  • Diversify your portfolio to maximize returns
  • Understand risk tolerance
  • Teach people how to trade and invest


8: Content Creation

Do you have the passion to create meaningful content that adds value to people’s lives? Then this is another high-income skill to learn and work from anywhere in the world without worrying about money.

Content creation is very simple as you don’t need expensive tools or courses. Even secondary school graduates know how to write. The good part? There are no drawbacks. Just a simple SEO lesson is enough to improve your content and watch how people will be flooding your inbox for gigs.

9: Affiliate Marketing

This is the process of selling people products and services and getting a commission when someone buys from the unique affiliate link assigned to you. Don’t know where to start? There are affiliate platforms you can sign up with and start promoting;

  • CJ Affiliate
  • ShareASale
  • Clickbank and many others.

Even in Nigeria here we’ve platforms like Expertnaire, seler, etc, which easily accept Nigerians. Pick a product and start promoting it, it’s as simple as that.

Your financial independence depends on the action you take today. And for the record, you can learn all these skills one after the other to create multiple streams of income.


10: YouTube Creator

Some millionaires have emerged from YouTube. Examples of such people are MrBeast. These guys are making big-time real money doing what they love from anywhere in the world.

You don’t need to complicate it. Pick a niche, a profitable one, and set up your channel for SEO. Start creating content and keep doing so for the next 6 to 7 months.

Come back here and complain in the comment section if you didn’t see changes, and I will dash you money for wasting your time and lying to you.

Want to start as a creator on YouTube? Follow these steps:

  • Pick a profitable and sellable niche.
  • Research the niche and channels that are doing well already on YouTube. Don’t copy their content, just learn from them.
  • Hire a professional if you’ve little money to set up your channel with basic SEO so that you can start ranking.
  • Do some keyword research.
  • Create content that resonates with your target audience.
  • Create additional Twitter or Instagram pages you can use to drive traffic to your channel.
  • Continue with this for more than 6 months and your life will never become the same again.

That’s A Wrap!

These are just some of the high-income skills, expect this list to be updated once in a while. If you didn’t find your choice here, you can research more as there are over 100 high-income skills that are profitable and scalable.

Remember, discipline can take you places that motivation wouldn’t. As for me, I choose discipline over motivation because I don’t just depend on what I read. I take action. You can choose to learn 3 or more of these skills to create multiple streams of income and increase your earnings potential, the choice is yours.

If you’ve found this post to be impactful please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends, and ask me anything using the comment section box. Don’t also forget to subscribe to my blog for everything about personal finance, savings, and investment.

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