How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account

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Welcome Today we’ll be discussing On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account.

Jaiz Bank is one of the leading Islamic banks in Nigeria, offering sharia-compliant financial services. Many customers use Jaiz Bank’s convenient mobile banking app and internet banking platform to manage accounts and transactions conveniently. However, you may need to permanently deactivate these services if switching banks, relocating, or for security reasons.

This guide will provide the key steps to successfully close your Jaiz Bank mobile and online banking access. We cover the account closure process, timeline, documents required, and tips for completing closure remotely from overseas.

When You May Want to Shut Down Jaiz Bank Mobile and Internet Banking

Here are some common situations when closing your Jaiz Bank digital banking services may be necessary:

  • Switching your accounts to a different bank
  • Moving abroad long-term and relocating overseas
  • Concerns about security breaches or unauthorized transactions
  • No longer requiring mobile or internet banking services
  • Your mobile device containing the app is lost or stolen

To prevent unauthorized access or financial liability, it is advisable to formally close your online banking access by deactivating your profile and uninstalling the app.

Step-by-Step Process for Closing Jaiz Bank Mobile and Internet Banking

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account

Follow this step-by-step guide to successfully shut down your Jaiz Bank digital banking services:

Notify Jaiz Bank

Contact Jaiz Bank by phone, email or in person at a branch to inform them you want to permanently close your internet banking profile. Provide relevant account details and request written confirmation once closed.

Log In and Deactivate Online Banking

Log into your Jaiz Bank internet banking account and locate the option to deactivate or close your online banking profile under account settings. Follow the prompts and submit any required information.

Uninstall Mobile App

Go to the apps menu on your phone or tablet and uninstall the Jaiz Bank mobile app by tapping and holding the icon. On Android select Uninstall in the menu, on iOS select the X icon to delete the app.

Close Bank Accounts

To fully separate from Jaiz Bank, you will also need to close your financial accounts. Notify the bank by letter or at a branch. Settle obligations, return cards and cheques, and transfer remaining funds before closure.

Open Accounts at New Bank

If switching banks, open replacement accounts at your new bank before closing Jaiz Bank accounts. Update your financial information everywhere to avoid disruptions to payments.

Importance of Properly Closing Accounts

It is not enough to just stop using internet or mobile banking. Here are key reasons why you must properly deactivate services and close accounts:

  • Prevents unauthorized access that can lead to fraud
  • Stops bank charges applied to inactive accounts
  • Disassociates your financial life when switching banks
  • Avoids liability if old accounts are compromised
  • No lingering loose ends or unresolved issues

Jaiz Bank Account Closure Process Timelines

Jaiz Bank outlines their account closure protocols on their website. Key timeframes include:

  • Provide at least 7 days advance written notice
  • Return all cards and unused cheques before closure date
  • Process takes approximately 5 working days
  • Any pending transactions must clear before closure
  • Repay any outstanding loans before closure
  • Collect account closure letter from the branch

Jaiz Bank emphasizes that dormant or inactive accounts must still be formally closed as per above steps.

Troubleshooting If Account Closure Faces Issues

In some cases, you may experience delays or problems when trying to close Jaiz Bank accounts:

  • Pending transactions have not cleared
  • Loan repayment issues
  • Required documents not provided
  • Account still linked to term deposits or investments
  • Closure request rejected

If your closure request is denied or delayed, follow up promptly with Jaiz Bank by phone, email or in person to resolve any outstanding issues preventing account termination.

Closing Jaiz Bank Accounts from Overseas

If you are relocating abroad, you can still close your Nigerian Jaiz Bank accounts remotely by:

  • Informing Jaiz Bank about your overseas move
  • Arranging for a friend or family member to assist with in-person tasks
  • Submitting required forms and documents by courier mail
  • Arranging power of attorney if needed
  • Following up by phone and email during the process

With proper planning and coordination, overseas account closure is achievable.

FAQs On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account

1. How long does it take to close a Jaiz Bank account?

It typically takes about 5 working days after submitting a closure request for Jaiz Bank to process account deactivation and closure fully.

2. Can I reopen a closed account?

No, once a Jaiz Bank account is closed it cannot be reopened. You would have to open a new account if needed again.

3. Do I need to visit a branch to close accounts?

Yes, while you can initiate closure online or by phone, visiting a Jaiz Bank branch will be required to complete the process and return cards or checks.

4. What happens to leftover funds after closure?

You must withdraw or transfer out any funds remaining in your closed accounts. The bank will not send funds to you after account deactivation.

5. Can I get help closing an account I don’t remember details of?

Yes, visit a Jaiz Bank branch with valid ID and request help closing the account even if you cannot remember account numbers or other key details.

6. Do I need to pay any fees to close my accounts?

No, Jaiz Bank does not charge additional fees to close accounts, as long as they are in good standing without debts and minimum balances are maintained. However, regular account fees may still apply up until the closure date.

7. Can I switch to a different Jaiz Bank account instead of fully closing?

Instead of completely shutting down your Jaiz Bank accounts, you may be able to convert or switch to another account with different features or pricing. Discuss options with your Jaiz Bank relationship manager.

8. What happens if I have auto-debits on the account?

You will need to inform any third parties debiting your Jaiz Bank account and provide updated payment details before closure. Outstanding auto-debits can delay closure.

9. How can I cancel my mobile/internet banking subscription?

Contact Jaiz Bank customer service to terminate any recurring subscription fees or payments related to your mobile or internet banking access upon closure. This will stop payments from continuing.

10. Do I need to maintain minimum balances before I can close an account?

Jaiz Bank does not require minimum balances to close accounts. But any account debts need repayment and owed fees settlement before closure can be approved and finalized.

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Deactivating your Jaiz Bank mobile and internet banking involves notifying the bank, settling any obligations, returning materials provided to you, uninstalling the app, and obtaining confirmation of account closure. This properly severs your financial relationship and minimizes risks. Be sure to transfer any leftover funds and update your financial details everywhere before closure is complete. Maintain closure documentation for future reference if required.

After reading this blog you know How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Jaiz Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Account

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