How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account

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Hello and Welcome, Today I’ll be discussing On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account.

MTN MoMo is a popular mobile money service in Nigeria that allows customers to send, receive, and store money using their mobile phones. It offers a convenient way to transfer funds, pay bills, and more.

However, there may come a time when you need to deactivate or delete your MTN MoMo account, such as when switching to a different provider, for security reasons, or if you no longer require the service.

This comprehensive guide explains how to permanently close your MTN MoMo account, the timeline for account closure, and steps to take if you are having issues.

When You May Want to Close Your MTN MoMo Account

Here are some common situations in which permanently shutting down your MTN MoMo account may be necessary or advisable:

  • You are switching to using a different mobile money service
  • You have security concerns about the account being compromised
  • You no longer need or want to use MTN MoMo services
  • You lost the SIM card linked to your MTN MoMo wallet
  • You are moving abroad long-term and closing local accounts

In these cases, it is important to properly close the account rather than just deleting the app to limit liability.

How to Close Your MTN MoMo Account

Follow this step-by-step guide to successfully deactivate your MTN MoMo account:

Step 1: Withdraw Any Remaining Funds

First, transfer or withdraw any money remaining in your MTN MoMo wallet to your bank account or another e-wallet. Your balance needs to be zero before closing the account.

Step 2: Contact MTN MoMo Customer Support

Get in touch with MTN MoMo customer care by calling or visiting an authorized agent. Inform them you want to permanently close your MoMo account and provide your registered phone number or other account details.

Step 3: Confirm Account Closure

MTN MoMo will then process your account deactivation request. Wait for formal notification confirming that your MoMo account has been successfully closed.

Step 4: Delete the App

Once account closure is confirmed, delete the MTN MoMo app from your mobile phone or device.

Why Properly Close Your Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account

Here are key reasons why you should formally close your MTN MoMo account instead of just abandoning it:

  • Prevents unauthorized access that could lead to fraud
  • Stops monthly maintenance or subscription fees from being charged
  • Removes personal/financial data from MTN MoMo system
  • Fully separates your ties to MTN mobile money
  • Limits liability if account is compromised after closure

MTN MoMo Account Closure Timeline

MTN MoMo aims to process account closure requests within 48 hours. Key steps in their closure process include:

  • Customer requests permanent account deactivation
  • Any pending transactions are allowed to clear
  • Account balance is confirmed at zero
  • Account is marked for deactivation in MTN MoMo system
  • Notification sent to customer upon successful account closure

Troubleshooting MTN MoMo Account Closure

In some cases, you may encounter issues trying to close your MTN MoMo account such as:

  • Pending transfers delaying closure
  • Outstanding fees or negative balance
  • Inability to reach customer support
  • No confirmation of account closure received

If your account closure request is delayed or facing problems, follow up with MTN MoMo customer service immediately for assistance until your account is successfully deactivated.

Cancelling MTN MoMo from Overseas

If you are abroad when needing to close your MTN MoMo account, reach out to MTN MoMo customer service by phone or email. Explain you are overseas and want to permanently deactivate your account. They will guide you through any adapted procedures for international account closure.

Important Notes

Here are some final points to keep in mind when closing a MTN MoMo account:

  • Notify any contacts to update your mobile money details if sending you funds
  • Cancel any recurring payments or subscriptions linked to the account
  • Save all closure confirmation details and notices for future reference
  • Do not attempt to reopen a closed MTN MoMo account

FAQs On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account

1. Is there a fee to close my MTN MoMo account?

No, MTN MoMo does not charge any fees specifically for account closure or deactivation requests.

2. How long does it take to close an MTN MoMo account after request?

MTN MoMo aims to process account closure within 48 hours after receiving a deactivation request.

3. Can I reactivate a closed MTN MoMo account later?

No, once an MTN MoMo account is closed it cannot be reactivated. You would need to open a new account.

4. What happens to money left in my account after closure?

Be sure to completely withdraw your account balance before closure. Any funds remaining after deactivation cannot be recovered.

5. Will my personal data be deleted when my account closes?

Yes, MTN MoMo states they delete all personal data associated with closed accounts from their systems.

6. Do I need to go to an agent outlet to close my account?

You can request MTN MoMo account closure by calling customer support directly. Visiting an agent outlet is not required, but can be done if preferred.

7. What if I have auto-debits set up on my MTN MoMo account?

Be sure to notify any merchants or services that auto-debit from your MTN MoMo wallet and provide updated payment details. Any outstanding debits can delay closure.

8. How can I cancel any MTN MoMo subscriptions?

Contact MTN MoMo support to terminate any recurring subscription payments or service fees if you have signed up for premium features. This prevents future billing.

9. What if my account balance is negative when I request closure?

Any outstanding debts or negative balance prevents your MTN MoMo account from being closed. Settle all owed amounts first before the closure can be processed.

10. Are there risks if I only delete the app without account closure?

Simply deleting the app without deactivating your account could lead to compromises or unauthorized transactions being made. Always formally close it.

Read more: finance how to close delete or deactivate your aella credit account easily


Closing your MTN MoMo account involves withdrawing your funds, contacting MTN for deactivation, waiting for confirmation of closure, and deleting the app. This properly severs ties with MTN mobile money to minimize future risks and liabilities. Be sure to save all closure notices and update any payment details linking to the closed account.

After reading this blog you know about How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MTN MoMo Account.

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