Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number, Email , Pc

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Welcome, Today we’ll talk about Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number, Email , Pc.

Moniepoint is a leading fintech company in Nigeria that provides financial services through an extensive network of agents and POS terminals. Customers can visit Moniepoint locations for services like cash deposits, bill payments, withdrawals, transfers and more. Moniepoint offers several options for logging into accounts to access services, including via the online dashboard, ATMs, with username or phone number, using email verification and through their mobile apps. This comprehensive guide will cover all the ways to login to Moniepoint for agents, merchants, and general users.

Overview of Moniepoint Login Options

Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number,  Email , Pc

Moniepoint offers account access through these primary login methods:

  • Moniepoint dashboard – For agent and merchant login
  • POS and ATM – For in-person transactions
  • Username – Log in with registered account username
  • Phone number – Use linked mobile number to login
  • Email – Verify via email to access account
  • Mobile apps – Android and iOS apps for login

Customers can choose the most convenient option, while agents and merchants will need to use the dashboard for account management. Understanding all the ways to login ensures seamless access across platforms.

Logging into the Moniepoint Dashboard

The Moniepoint dashboard at provides access for registered agents and merchants to manage transactions, view reports, process settlements and more. To login to the dashboard:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Agent Login” or “POS Login”
  3. Enter your registered username
  4. Input your account password
  5. Click “Login”

Resetting forgotten passwords can be done directly on the login page. The dashboard is optimized for both desktop and mobile access.

Using Moniepoint POS and ATM Machines

Moniepoint customers can visit local agent locations or retail stores with Moniepoint POS and ATM terminals for easy self-service banking. Transactions like deposits, withdrawals, transfers or bill payments can be completed securely after logging in at the machines using:

  • Registered account number
  • Verification PIN code
  • Authenticated fingerprint or facial recognition on supported devices

POS and ATM access offers localized convenience for frequent banking needs. Locations can be found on the Moniepoint website or mobile apps.

Login with Moniepoint Username

Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number,  Email , Pc

Every Moniepoint customer is provided with a unique username when their account is opened. This acts as the primary account identifier that can be used to login across platforms, including:

  • Moniepoint website
  • POS and ATM terminals
  • Mobile and web apps
  • USSD access codes

Simply enter the registered username and password when prompted to securely access the account. Forgotten passwords can be reset with verified credentials.

Login with Registered Phone Number

For convenience, Moniepoint also allows logging in using your registered mobile number instead of username. This provides easy access, especially when on mobile apps. To login with phone number:

  1. Enter your mobile number when prompted
  2. Enter the OTP sent to that mobile number
  3. Provide account password if requested

Your phone number essentially acts as an alternative username for streamlined login access across Moniepoint platforms.

Login Using Email Verification

In some cases, Moniepoint may utilize email-based verification for accessing accounts. This is commonly used for:

  • Resetting passwords
  • Verifying identity
  • Confirming account activity

When logging in, you may be prompted to click verification links sent to your registered email. Clicking the links will confirm your access request and log you into your account. Keep your email current to enable this login option.

Mobile App Logins

Moniepoint offers mobile apps for Android and iOS that allow easy account access from your phone or tablet. The apps utilize several login methods, including:

  • Username
  • Mobile number
  • Fingerprint or facial recognition

The apps provide notifications, transaction history, bill payments, transfers, and other key features. Download the Moniepoint apps from your device’s app store to get started.

Benefits of Multiple Login Options

Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number,  Email , Pc

Providing flexible login methods allows Moniepoint customers, agents, and merchants to access accounts from anywhere in a seamless manner:

  • Access accounts from any device or location
  • Helps users who forget passwords recover access
  • Simpler logins via mobile number or fingerprint
  • Enhanced security through multi-factor verification
  • Faster logins for frequent transactions or dashboard use

Leveraging the range of available login options results in greater account accessibility, security and convenience.

Tips for Logging into Moniepoint Securely

To ensure safe and easy access to your Moniepoint account, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Always login via official Moniepoint channels only
  • Use strong, unique passwords and update regularly
  • Do not share login credentials with anyone
  • Confirm you are on a legitimate Moniepoint website before entering details
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication for higher security
  • Watch for verification codes to protect from unauthorized access
  • Contact Moniepoint support if you notice suspicious activity

Resetting Moniepoint Passwords

There are several methods to securely reset your Moniepoint account password if needed:

  • Use “Forgot Password” link on dashboard login page
  • Reset through registered email verification link
  • Call customer support to initiate reset by phone
  • Visit authorized agent location for assistance
  • Changing passwords in-app or on website

Resetting your password regularly is also good practice to enhance account security.

Managing Multiple Logins

Customers who share a Moniepoint account with others, like family members, can manage multiple logins to avoid access conflicts. Options include:

  • Using separate usernames for each user
  • Limiting permissions through role-based profiles
  • Customizing login settings and preferences individually
  • Viewing concurrent login activity for security
  • Enabling login approvals

Contact Moniepoint support for assistance managing the desired level of account access across users.

Is Moniepoint Secure?

Yes, Moniepoint utilizes extensive security measures to keep customer accounts and data safe, including:

  • Encrypted login connections
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Biometric authentication at ATMs
  • PIN codes and transaction verification
  • Fraud monitoring and notifications
  • Secure data centers and servers

They are licensed and comply with all regulations for data protection and privacy.

Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number,  Email , Pc

FAQs on Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number, Email , Pc

Here are some answers to FAQS Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number, Email , Pc.

Is username case-sensitive when logging in?

No, Moniepoint usernames are not case sensitive, so capitalization does not matter when entering the username.

Can I use my email address to login instead of username?

You cannot directly login with only an email address. But you can use email verification to recover access if you forget your username.

How long does the OTP login code last?

The OTP code sent via SMS or email typically expires after 5-10 minutes. You will need to request a new code if it has expired.

Can I recover my forgotten username?

Yes, you can recover your username by calling customer support or requesting help from an authorized Moniepoint agent location.

Is fingerprint login available on all devices?

Fingerprint and facial recognition login is available on Android and iOS mobile apps. It may not be supported on all device models.

Can I disable SMS login codes for security?

Yes, you can manage login preferences and disable SMS codes by logging into your account profile.

How long is my password valid for?

Atm moniepoint com: Moniepoint pos login, Moniepoint agent login via Atm. Moniepoint. com.

Passwords are generally valid indefinitely unless a reset is required. However, regular password changes are recommended for best security.

Can I use a virtual keyboard for secure logins?

Yes, you can utilize on-screen virtual keyboards when logging in on mobile apps and websites for added security.

Is the Moniepoint dashboard site the same as the main website?

No, the dashboard for agents and merchants is located specifically at, while the main website is

Can I use the same password across multiple Moniepoint accounts?

It is not recommended to reuse the same password for different Moniepoint accounts. Use unique strong passwords for each.

How can I view or revoke active login sessions?

You can view and log out other active sessions by going to account settings. This allows you to revoke unwanted logins.

Can I enable two-factor authentication?

Yes, Moniepoint supports enabling 2FA through Google Authenticator or email confirmations for extra account security.

How do I unlock my account if I am logged out?

You can unlock your account by resetting your password or contacting customer support if you get locked out after too many failed attempts.

Can I use biometrics to login on web?

Biometric logins using fingerprint or face ID are currently only available on Moniepoint’s mobile apps, not the web platforms.

Is there an account recovery process?

Yes, you can recover access to locked accounts by verifying identity through support agents or authorized locations.

Can I view my login history?

Yes, your account security settings provide an activity log showing dates, times, locations and devices for recent logins.

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Moniepoint offers robust and secure login access through various platforms and methods. Customers can log in via the online dashboard, in-person ATMs and POS, using usernames, phone numbers, emails, and mobile apps. Convenient and flexible logins combined with two-factor authentication, biometrics, and frequent password changes result in a highly secure banking experience for all users. Moniepoint will continue enhancing options for account owners to easily access their funds from anywhere.

After reading this article now you know Moniepoint Dashboard Login and Moniepoint atm Login with Username, Phone number, Email , Pc.

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