How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account

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Hello and Welcome, Today we’ll be discussing How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account.

Alat by Wema is a popular digital banking platform in Nigeria that offers a range of financial services. If you no longer wish to use Alat or want to close your account, you can deactivate, delete or close it. In this comprehensive guide, we provide steps to deactivate, delete and close your Alat Wema account and answer frequently asked questions.

Why You May Want to Close Your Alat Wema Account

Here are some common reasons why you may want to deactivate or delete your Alat by Wema account:

  • You no longer want to bank digitally
  • You are switching to another bank and want to close your account
  • You have security concerns and want to open a new account
  • You forgot your password and cannot regain access
  • You no longer use Alat Wema services

How to Temporarily Deactivate Your Trust Alat Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account

If you want to temporarily disable your Alat by Wema account, you can deactivate it:

  1. Open the Alat by Wema app and go to Profile
  2. Tap on “Deactivate Account”
  3. Select a reason for deactivation from the prompts
  4. Enter your BVN to confirm deactivation
  5. Your account is now deactivated. You can reactivate it anytime.

To reactivate your deactivated account:

  1. Login to Alat by Wema app and go to Profile
  2. Tap on “Reactivate Account”
  3. Enter your BVN to confirm reactivation

How to Permanently Delete Your Alat  by Wema Account

To permanently delete your Alat by Wema account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Alat by Wema account
  2. Go to Profile and tap “Close Account”
  3. Select reason for closing account
  4. Carefully review warning and confirm account closure
  5. Enter your BVN to authenticate closure request
  6. Your account will be closed within 24 hours

Important things to note when closing your Alat by Wema account:

  • Withdraw any account balance before initiating closure
  • You cannot reverse account closure once requested
  • Notify recipients to update your details for transfers

How to Withdraw Funds Before Closing

Before closing your Alat by Wema account, ensure you withdraw all funds held:

  1. Login to Alat by Wema and go to “Transfers”
  2. Select “To Other Banks” and enter your desired bank details
  3. Enter amount you want to transfer and submit details
  4. Funds will reflect in external bank account within hours

It is not possible to recover any funds left in closed Alat by Wema accounts. So withdraw everything before initiating closure.

How to Download Account Statement

To retain transaction records from your Alat by Wema account, download an account statement:

  1. Login to Alat by Wema and go to “Profile”
  2. Tap on “My Statements”
  3. Select account and set period for statement
  4. Tap “Email Statement” or “Download Statement”

Save soft or hard copies of your account statement for future reference. You will not be able to access it after closing your account.

FAQs On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account

1. Can I reopen a closed Alat by Wema account?

No, once a Alat by Wema account is closed, it cannot be reopened. You will have to open a new account.

2. How long does account closure take?

Alat by Wema accounts are closed within 24 hours after requesting closure. You cannot use the account during this period.

3. What happens to money in closed account?

Any funds left in a closed Alat by Wema account are forfeited. Make sure to withdraw everything before closure.

4. Can I get records from a closed account?

No, you cannot access any records or statements from a closed Alat by Wema account. Download before closure.

5. How do I open a new Alat by Wema account after closure?

Visit the Alat by Wema website or app and register for a new account after completing the signup process.

6. Is Alat safe to use in Nigeria?

Yes, Alat by Wema offers advanced security features like BVN verification, encryption and fraud monitoring to keep your money safe.

7. What happens if I forget my Alat by Wema password?

Use your registered phone number to reset your Alat password instantly. Or contact customer care for assistance.

8. How long does Alat by Wema account deactivation last?

Alat account deactivation lasts until you reactivate it. It remains deactivated until you login and reactivate.

9. Can I still use USSD after deactivating Alat by Wema?

No, deactivating Alat by Wema disables all account functions including USSD. Reactivate to use USSD again.

10. Does deactivating Alat by Wema close the account?

No, deactivation only temporarily disables the account. It can be reactivated anytime. Account closure is permanent.

11. How do I change my Alat by Wema PIN?

Login to Alat by Wema app, go to Profile and tap Change PIN to create a new 4-digit PIN for your account.

12. Can I use Alat by Wema internationally?

Alat by Wema only works within Nigeria. You cannot use it for international transactions or outside Nigeria.

13. Is there a fee to close Alat by Wema account?

No, Alat by Wema does not charge any fee to deactivate or close your account.

14. How do I update personal details on Alat by Wema?

Login to Alat by Wema app, go to Profile and tap Personal Information to update details like phone number, email, address etc.

15. How long does reactivation take after deactivating Alat by Wema?

Alat by Wema account reactivation is instant as soon as you login and complete the process. Your account becomes active immediately.

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Alat by Wema is a popular digital bank used by many Nigerians for its convenient online banking services. However, there may come a time when you need to deactivate, close, or delete your Alat by Wema account permanently.

In this guide, we outlined the step-by-step process to deactivate, close, or delete your Alat by Wema account through the website or mobile app. Remember to withdraw any remaining funds, cancel subscriptions, repay debts, and unlink other accounts first for a smooth closure.

Deactivating your account temporarily restricts access, while closure is permanent. Once closed, accounts cannot be reopened. Be sure you no longer need any services before closing out your Alat  by Wema account.

If you have any other questions about deactivating, closing, or deleting your Alat by Wema account, please contact their customer support for assistance. They can walk you through the process and ensure your account is properly closed.

We hope this guide gave you the complete details on how to deactivate, close, or delete yourAlat by Wema account when needed. Make the process easy by taking the necessary steps outlined here.

After reading this article now you know How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your Alat by Wema Account.

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