How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account

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Welcome, Today we’ll be discussing On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account.

MetaTrader 5 is a popular online trading platform used by traders in Nigeria. But you may eventually want to close your MetaTrader 5 account. This guide provides instructions for deactivating or deleting your account.

MetaTrader 5 Usage in Nigeria

MetaTrader 5 offers an advanced multi-asset platform for trading forex, stocks, futures, and CFDs. Many Nigerian brokers provide MetaTrader 5 for their clients to analyze financial markets and trade online.

Key features include advanced charting, trading automation via Expert Advisors, algorithmic trading, and extensive backtesting capabilities. The mobile app also allows Nigerian traders to analyze and execute trades on the go.

When You Might Want to Close Your MetaTrader 5 Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account

Here are some common reasons for closing a MetaTrader 5 account:

  • You no longer actively trade and don’t need the account
  • You are switching brokers or platforms
  • You want increased privacy and security
  • You had a practice demo account you no longer require
  • You lost trust in or are unsatisfied with MetaTrader 5
  • You suspect unauthorized access to your account

How to Temporarily Deactivate Your MetaTrader 5 Account

To take a break from MetaTrader 5 while retaining your information, you can temporarily deactivate your account:

  1. Log into your MetaTrader 5 account online
  2. Go to account settings and find the deactivation option
  3. Confirm you want to proceed with deactivation
  4. Your account will now be deactivated

When deactivated:

  • You cannot access or use your account
  • Your account details are retained for 30 days
  • You can reactivate anytime within 30 days by logging back in

How to Permanently Close Your MetaTrader 5 Account

To permanently delete your MetaTrader 5 account:

  1. Go to account settings and find the account closure option
  2. Confirm your password and choice to close the account
  3. Your account will be closed within 24 hours
  4. All personal and trading data is erased permanently

Having Broker Support Close Your Account

If you can’t access your account, contact your broker’s support team via live chat or email. Provide identifying details and request account closure through MetaTrader 5.

What Happens When Your Account is Closed

Here’s what you can expect when your MetaTrader 5 account is closed:

  • You immediately lose access to your account and trading services
  • Your personal and trading data is deleted
  • Pending orders and trades are cancelled
  • Any account balance is forfeited to your broker
  • You cannot reopen or recover a closed account

Steps to Take Before Closing Account

Before closure, be sure to:

  • Withdraw any remaining account balance
  • Allow pending orders and trades to complete
  • Save any required trading records or statements

Alternatives to Closing Your Account

Instead of permanent closure, you could:

  • Temporarily deactivate the account
  • Withdraw funds but keep account open
  • Adjust privacy and security settings
  • Remove stored payment methods

Key Steps to Close a MetaTrader 5 Account

  • Access account settings and find the “Deactivate” or “Close Account” option
  • Carefully follow the prompts to confirm your selection
  • Deactivation disables the account temporarily but retains details
  • Permanent closure results in all trading data being erased from MetaTrader 5
  • Be sure to withdraw any remaining account balance before initiating closure

Once fully closed, a MetaTrader 5 account cannot be reopened – the closure is indefinite. All associated trading history and data is deleted permanently.

FAQS On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account

Can You Reopen a Closed MetaTrader 5 Account?

Unfortunately MetaTrader 5 accounts cannot be reopened after permanent closure and deletion. The closure is indefinite.

If you change your mind later, you will have to open a brand new account.

Does Closing Your Account Affect Your Credit Score?

No, closing a MetaTrader 5 account does not directly impact your credit score or report. Account details are not reported to credit bureaus.

Can Your Broker Close Your Account Without Consent?

Yes, your broker can terminate accounts anytime for reasons such as long inactivity, policy violations, or suspected fraud.

Is There a Fee to Close a MetaTrader 5 Account?

No, there are no specific MetaTrader 5 account closure fees. However, your broker may charge a termination fee, so check with them.

How Long Does Account Closure Take?

When you request account closure, it typically takes 1 business day to complete. You will get a confirmation email when finished.

What If You Have Funds in Your Account?

Be sure to withdraw any remaining balances before closing your account. Any funds left when closed are forfeited to your broker.

What Happens to Your Trading History When Closed?

All personal data including trading history, transactions, and account details are erased when an account is closed permanently. Save any records you need.

Can You Recover a Deleted MetaTrader 5 Account?

Unfortunately deleted MetaTrader 5 accounts cannot be recovered. The closure is permanent, so only close if you are entirely certain.

Can You Have Multiple MetaTrader 5 Accounts?

You can only have one live MetaTrader 5 account per broker. However, you can open multiple demo accounts for practice purposes.

What If You Owe Your Broker Money When Closing?

You must repay any debts to your broker before being allowed to close an account. Failing to do so can incur further penalties.

How Do You Know When Account is Fully Closed?

Once your account closure is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. Trying to log in will also result in an error, confirming closure.

Read more: finance how to close delete or deactivate your sportybet account easily 


Closing a MetaTrader 5 account is a relatively straightforward process that can be initiated through the platform itself.

Once fully closed, a MetaTrader 5 account cannot be reopened – the closure is indefinite. All associated trading history and data is deleted permanently.

So carefully consider if permanent closure is right for you vs temporary deactivation. And ensure you save any important account records before deleting.

You will receive a confirmation email when the MetaTrader 5 account deactivation or deletion is fully processed. Trying to log in will fail if closure succeeded.

MetaTrader 5 allows straightforward account closure through self-service options, providing control over your privacy and data. Just weigh your options before permanent deletion.

After reading this article now you know How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Your MetaTrader 5 Account.

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