Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets

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Welcome, Today we’ll talk about Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets.

Opay POS machines have become a fixture at shops, stores, and businesses across Nigeria. Offering a convenient way to accept card and mobile payments, Opay POS leverages technology to provide accessible payment solutions. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about getting an Opay POS machine, pricing options, making the most of your device to meet daily targets, and more.

Launched in 2018 by OPay, Opay POS is a point-of-sale service that allows Nigerian businesses to accept and process card payments. The distinctive red Opay POS machines are now commonly found at major retailers, grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, hotels, and more.

Opay POS works by integrating with a merchant’s bank account, allowing card and mobile payments to deposit directly. This eliminates the need to handle large amounts of cash. Besides accepting payments, Opay POS also provides services like inventory management, customer analytics, and sales records that give business owners robust data to make informed decisions.

With affordable pricing, no hidden fees, stellar customer support, and flexible options, Opay makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to begin accepting digital payments and manage operations more effectively.

Key Benefits of Using Opay POS

Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets

Here are some of the major benefits merchants enjoy by adopting Opay POS:

  • Accept card payments – Opay POS allows businesses to accept payment from any Visa, Mastercard, Verve, or other card.
  • Mobile money – Integrations with OPay, Paga, and Gpay allow acceptance of mobile wallet payments.
  • Improved security – Reduced cash handling means less risk of loss/theft compared to physical money.
  • Better hygiene – Card and mobile payments mean less handling of cash and reduced COVID transmission risks.
  • Access sales data – Opay POS provides detailed sales reports, inventory status, and analytics to inform business decisions.
  • Customer loyalty – The Opay POS system can manage customer accounts, discounts, promotions to encourage repeat business.

By delivering these advantages, Opay POS provides a comprehensive solution that helps merchants succeed in the world of modern digital payments while also accessing useful data to optimize operations.

How to Get an Opay POS Machine

Obtaining an Opay POS machine for your business is quick and straightforward. Here is an overview of the step-by-step process:

  1. Apply online – Visit the Opay website and fill out the short application form with your business details. This kicks off the process.
  2. Site inspection – An Opay agent will contact you and visit your premises to verify your business.
  3. Approval – Once approved, you will need to provide identity documentation and execute an agreement.
  4. Installation – The Opay team will deliver the POS device to your store and install it ready for use.
  5. Integration – They will integrate the system with your bank account and train staff on using the POS.
  6. Start transacting – You are now all set to begin accepting card and mobile money payments at your business!

The entire process from application to installation takes approximately 1 week. Opay’s customer support is available if you face any issues during setup.

Opay POS Pricing and Transaction Fees

Opay offers fair and transparent pricing tailored to each merchant’s requirements. Here is an overview of the costs:

  • The price range of the Opay POS machine is usually between N50,000 to N60,000.
  • There is certainly no proper assurance of how much you can get it but the price usually fall in-between N50,000 to N60,000.
  • No upfront payment is needed for the Opay POS machine itself. A refundable security deposit of N25,000 is required.
  • Transaction fees are charged at 1.25% for cards and 1% for mobile wallets. Discounted rates are available based on volume.
  • A flat monthly rental fee is also applicable depending on the type of POS device selected.
  • Other add-ons like inventory management or loyalty programs attract additional charges.

Opay has an effective cost calculator on their website where you can input your expected monthly volume and get an estimate of total pricing. There are no hidden or surprise charges – fees are clearly explained upfront.

Getting Started With Your Opay POS

Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets

Once the Opay POS is set up at your store, your staff will need to learn how to use it efficiently. Here are some tips:

  • Attend the training session provided by Opay’s team to understand the features and workflow.
  • Ensure the internet connection is strong and reliable for smooth transactions.
  • Setup the POS in a convenient location – near the billing counter for shops.
  • Common functions like payments, refunds, inventory management should be well understood.
  • Know how to access the sales reports and reconcile accounts at day closing.
  • Familiarize yourself with the customer support channels in case of any issues.

With its user-friendly interface, most employees are able to pick up the Opay POS operations quickly. The setup wizard and help guides also assist the learning process.

Tips to Improve Customer Experience

The success of any business depends on providing excellent service to customers. The Opay POS system enables merchants to deliver improved customer satisfaction:

  • Keep POS devices readily accessible to avoid long queues.
  • Offer payment choices – don’t insist on just cash or card.
  • Resolve issues promptly – use Opay support if needed.
  • Train staff to politely guide customers unfamiliar with POS payments.
  • Ensure receipts are correctly issued for all transactions.
  • Address complaints patiently and escalate if required.
  • Optionally enroll customers in loyalty programs.
  • Send promotional alerts and offers via SMS using the POS system.

Delivering convenience, responsiveness, and a more frictionless payment process is key to keeping customers happy and loyal to your brand.

Opay POS Daily Target

From my research, I found out Opay does not specify a target for POS merchant. However, there’s much assumption that the Opay POS daily target is N60,000.

Troubleshooting Common Opay POS Issues

While Opay POS systems are reliable, some problems may still crop up. Here are troubleshooting tips for some common issues:

Internet Connectivity Errors

Ensure your business has a stable broadband or mobile data connection. Also check that other devices are not overloading the network. Keep routers and modems switched on. Finally, try rebooting the Opay device itself to restore connectivity.

App Not Responding

First check for internet connection issues as mentioned above. For other app crashes, try rebooting the POS device by long pressing the power key. Update the Opay POS app if new versions are available. If issues persist, contact Opay support.

Missing Payment Receipts

Receipt printer paper jams can interrupt printing. Clear the jam and reprint receipts from transaction history. Ensure printer has adequate paper. Also check receipt printer connections and configurations under device settings.

Keypad Not Working

Check for any obstructions under the keypad. Press keys slowly and firmly. Test keypad in utility mode under device settings. Loose keypad ribbon cables can also cause issues. Call support if hardware related.

Reaching out to Opay’s customer support channels quickly can help get any persistent technical problems resolved promptly.

FAQs About Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets

Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets

Here are some answers to FAQS about Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets.

Does Opay provide POS devices for free?

No, Opay charges a refundable security deposit and monthly rental fee for the POS devices. However, there is no upfront purchase cost for the hardware.

Do I need a business account with a particular bank?

No, Opay POS can integrate with current accounts at any major Nigerian bank once approved during signup.

What documents do I need to provide?

Valid business registration documents, owner ID card, and PEN number. Other documents may be needed based on business type.

Can I use my existing POS device?

Yes, Opay can integrate with your current POS machine as well. It will need to run their POS software.

Does Opay provide setup assistance?

Yes, Opay will deliver, install, and configure the POS system at your premises as part of the onboarding process.

What payments can I accept?

Opay POS allows acceptance of all major cards – Visa, Mastercard, Verve etc. as well as mobile money platforms like OPay, Paga, Gpay.

Is customer data protected?

Yes, Opay POS uses encryption and access controls to protect sensitive customer information in compliance with data protection regulations.

Can I get a receipt printer?

Yes, compatible receipt printers and other peripherals like barcode scanners can be added to your Opay POS system.

What features are included free?

Core POS capabilities, updates, 24/7 support are provided at no extra charge. Advanced features attract additional fees.

Are there long-term contracts?

No, you can cancel anytime by returning the leased POS device. Monthly charges apply only for the period used.

Can Opay POS integrate with my other systems?

Yes, Opay can integrate with existing company ERP, inventory, accounting systems through APIs.

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Adopting Opay POS enables Nigerian businesses to enjoy the benefits of secure, convenient digital payments combined with robust data-driven insights to operate more effectively. From the quick setup process to meeting daily targets, Opay provides an end-to-end solution tailored for the Nigerian market. With affordable pricing and stellar customer service, Opay POS has become an essential platform empowering the growth ambitions of merchants across the country.

After reading this blog you know about Opay POS: How to Get an Opay POS Machine, Pricing, and Meeting Daily Targets.

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