How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account

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Welcome, Today we’ll be discussing On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account.

Flutterwave is a leading Nigerian fintech company providing payment solutions for businesses and individuals across Africa. Their platform enables seamless online payments, money transfers, virtual wallets, and more.

Many people and businesses in Nigeria use Flutterwave to send or receive payments, take advantage of financial services, and grow their enterprises. However, there may come a time when you need to deactivate, close, or delete your Flutterwave account.

In this comprehensive guide, we provide step-by-step instructions on how to deactivate, close, or delete your Flutterwave account completely. We also answer common questions about the process.

Reasons to Close Flutterwave Account

Here are some of the top reasons why you may want to close your Flutterwave account:

  • You no longer use the account
  • You are moving to another payment provider
  • You have privacy or security concerns
  • You want to avoid dormancy or inactivity fees
  • You are consolidating finances and accounts
  • You are unsatisfied with Flutterwave’s services
  • You need to open a new business Flutterwave account

How to Temporarily Deactivate Flutterwave Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account

If you want to temporarily restrict access to your Flutterwave account, you can choose to deactivate it. This pauses the account and hides your information.

To deactivate your Flutterwave account:

  1. Login to your Flutterwave dashboard
  2. Go to Settings and click “Deactivate Account”
  3. Select a reason for deactivating the account
  4. Check the confirmation box and click “Deactivate”

Your Flutterwave account will now be deactivated. You can reactivate it anytime by logging back in. Deactivation does not permanently close the account.

How to Permanently Delete Flutterwave Account

To permanently close and delete your Flutterwave account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Flutterwave dashboard
  2. Go to Settings and click “Close Account”
  3. Select reason for closure from the dropdown menu
  4. Check the account closure agreement box
  5. Click “Close Account” to confirm

Once confirmed, Flutterwave will immediately and permanently delete your account. Unlike deactivation, account closure is irreversible.

What Happens When You Delete Flutterwave Account

Here’s what happens when you permanently delete your Flutterwave account:

  • Your account profile and personal data is erased
  • You lose access to Flutterwave payments and financial services
  • Transaction history and records are deleted
  • You cannot reactive or reopen the closed account
  • You will have to create a new account to use Flutterwave again

Can a Deleted Flutterwave Account be Recovered?

No, once you voluntarily delete your Flutterwave account, it is gone forever and cannot be recovered. All associated personal data is removed from their systems.

Avoiding Dormancy and Inactivity Fees

If your Flutterwave account is inactive for an extended time, usually 6 months, it can be deemed dormant and be charged inactivity fees. To prevent fees, use your account periodically.

Tips When Closing Flutterwave Account

Follow these tips when permanently closing your Flutterwave account:

  • Withdraw any account balance to your bank
  • Save payment statements and receipts
  • Unlink any connected bank accounts
  • Cancel any recurring payments
  • Inform clients you are closing account

Pros of Closing Flutterwave Account

Benefits of closing your Flutterwave account include:

  • Increased privacy and security
  • No inactivity fees
  • Consolidate finances into one account
  • Open a new improved Flutterwave account

Cons of Closing Flutterwave Account

Drawbacks of closing your Flutterwave account:

  • Lose access to Flutterwave payment services
  • Transaction history is deleted
  • May forfeit unpaid account balance
  • Need to update clients and partners

FAQs On How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account

How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account

How long does it take to close a Flutterwave account?

Flutterwave aims to process account closures within 5-7 business days. Your account closes immediately but data deletion may take a few days.

Can I reopen my closed Flutterwave account?

No, once you voluntarily close your Flutterwave account, it cannot be reopened. You will need to create a brand new account.

What happens to my account balance when I close?

Be sure to withdraw any balance before closing your account. Any funds remaining after closure may be forfeited to Flutterwave.

Can I still use Flutterwave after account closure?

No, after closing your Flutterwave account you cannot use their services. You will need to open a new account.

Will account closure affect my credit score?

Closing your Flutterwave account will not directly affect your credit score or report with credit agencies.

Can I delete my business Flutterwave account?

Yes, business Flutterwave accounts can also be closed fully following the same closure process outlined above.

Is there any way to temporarily disable my account?

Yes, you can temporarily deactivate your Flutterwave account instead of permanently closing it.

Can I still receive payments after closure?

No, once your account is closed you cannot receive payments through Flutterwave. Inform clients to send payments to new provider.

How do I let Flutterwave know I closed my account?

The account closure process through the dashboard is sufficient. No other notice to Flutterwave is required.

Where should I transfer my account balance before closure?

You can withdraw remaining funds to a connected bank account before closing your Flutterwave account.

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After reading this article now you know How to Deactivate, Close or Delete Flutterwave Account.

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